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Here are testimonials from clients who have experienced my healing sessions.

"Nev’s dedication and care for his clients is outstanding. I’ve experienced many modalities of healing but Nev’s abilities are on a whole new level. I highly recommend Nev to anyone seeking healing from within."

Elizabeth Olbertz – Melbourne, Victoria


"The results speak for themselves! I've had the pleasure of experiencing the amazing work and outcomes from Nev and also the joy of observing the results with my family, including young children. I highly recommend that you see Nev yourself and take a journey with him. Your mind and body will be blown away. We love you Nev."

Tess D - Sydney, NSW


"Nev has been blessed with a beautiful, intelligent soul and an incredible gift of healing. His gift and intelligence combined with his ability to simplify has facilitated a deep shift in my life and soul. Reflecting on the last year since meeting Nev - ahhh my soul breathes a deep sigh of peace! I know myself so much better as I peel off the layers of patterned sadness & hurt. My happy soul, my bounce, my health, my ability to enjoy life, to see the magic and to feel connected to myself and Mother Earth. This is pure joy! Thanks Nev. I also honour Nev's continual growth through greater learning and practise. I am sooooo grateful for having met Nev, my life is deeply transforming before my eyes. Thank you!"

Nicole Herrmann – Melbourne, Victoria


"I’m a contemporary dancer and receive regular Physio and Osteo/Visceral treatments for my work. For some time I have had trouble finding grounding through my feet and it was something that could not quite be treated with the specialists I was visiting. Nev, however was able to connect with exactly what was going on with my energy centres and clear the blockages to help me find my grounding again. After his treatment, I found this connection again in all of my mental, spiritual and physical self and was even given methods to find and connect them myself. This is something I will always carry with me for the rest of my life. I’m so grateful to have experienced a treatment with Nev."

Katina O - NSW


"Having had ongoing back and hip pain over the last 12 months, I came to Nev hoping he could bring some resolution to my pain and a greater understanding of the process of healing for me. The space he held in listening to my story, my tissues and even my being, created a natural unravelling and a clarity around many things in my life that I was unaware had contributed to the pattern and the pain. Nev helped to remove a cloak that I didn’t even realize I had been wearing and for the first time in a long time I felt I could be me without fear or inhibitions. I left feeling truly and effortlessly myself – joyful, peaceful and free. In the weeks following, I felt my heart continue to expand and it was so much easier to quieten my mind and access my true self. My love for myself, Mother Earth and humankind continues to grow in this space of freedom. Thank you Nev, for facilitating this expansion into a place of love, clarity and freedom. I am eternally grateful."

Sophie – Melbourne, Victoria


"On Saturday, I met an angel in Nev. Witnessing his work with others and healing transformations were incredible. Nev, you HAVE to continue sharing this gift and teach others. If you are considering working with Nev, there are no words to describe what he does, you just have to experience it. For me, having Nev hold this sacred space to allow you and your soul to go so deep, was perfection. Thank you, Nev!!"

Lynsey C - Sydney NSW



"Words can't express what happened when I experienced Nev's work. This is an experience you have to be a part of. Thank you, Nev!"

Malik G - Melbourne, Victoria

Booking Energy Healing Sessions

I am available for in-person energy healing sessions in Melbourne, and one weekend per month I am available for healing sessions in Sydney.
You can book energy healing sessions in Melbourne and Online using the [Book Now] buttons, however to book a session in Sydney, please use the Contact Us form so we can let you know when I will be in Sydney.  

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