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Reiki Healing Sessions

reiki session melbourne, healer, distance reiki session

A Reiki healing session is a gentle but powerful energy healing modality that works on restoring balance to the body, by using life force energy (KI), and balancing the chakras (energy centres), and meridians (energy lines or circuits) of the body.


Reiki allows the body to come back into to balance and alignment, which then allows the body to begin to heal naturally.

In-Person or Distance Reiki Sessions

Reiki healing can be performed with the healer and the client in the same room, or they may be on opposite sides of the world.

In-Person Reiki Sessions

I am based in Melbourne, and I am also frequently in Sydney. So you can have in-person Reiki sessions in Melbourne or in Sydney. 


You will be lying down on a massage table, fully clothed, and a blanket placed over you. You may also have choose to wear an eye mask during the session if you feel aligned to do so. I will place his hands at certain points on, and above, the body, whilst channelling Reiki healing energy to balance and harmonise your system.

Reiki Distance Healing

You don’t have to live in Melbourne to have a Reiki Session with me. Reiki distance healing is just as effective, so you can have a session from anywhere in the world. Distance Reiki Sessions are held online via Zoom. 

Two Types of Reiki Sessions


I provide two types of Reiki sessions in Melbourne, Sydney and as well as Distance Reiki sessions via zoom. You can have a Standard Reiki Session, or you can combine some intuitive coaching with the Reiki session.

Standard Reiki Healing Session


Standard Reiki sessions are for those who wish to experience Reiki without extra mentoring or intuitive guidance. It is a beautiful healing session, where you become immersed in the healing vibrational energy of Reiki.

You will be guided into a space of deep sensing to see in there is a particular intention you’d like to set, or part of the body that you are drawn to focus on. This process will open and connect you more to your gifts and natural intuition. Or if you prefer you can request that I use my psychic gifts to tune in and provide a Reiki healing session that is based on what my intuition senses that you need at that time.

After the session you’ll have the opportunity to share your experience and receive guidance on your next steps.

To book a Reiki Session in Melbourne or  a Distance Reiki Session, please click the [Book Now] button to select a date and time and pay online. To Book a Sydney Reiki Session, please use the Contact Us form so we can co-ordinate a time when I will be in Sydney.

1 hr session: $187

Reiki Plus Coaching Healing Session

The healing from a Reiki session can be deepened by adding an intuitive coaching aspect to the session.

When the intuitive coaching aspect is added to a Reiki session, I will spend a little more time with you at the beginning of the session, in a sacred, safe, and non-judgmental space, during which you will have the opportunity to discuss the hurdles and struggles that you are encountering in your life. From there you will set an intention to support and enhance your Reiki session.

During the session I may receive messages (intuitively or channeled), which I will share with you at the end of the healing session. Together, you and I will reflect on the experience and I will provide insight into what I sensed and felt, to support you as you move forward into greater expansion.

To book a Reiki Session in Melbourne or  a Distance / Remote Reiki Session via Zoom, please click the [Book Now] button to select a date and time and pay online. To Book a Sydney Reiki Session, please use the Contact Us form so we can co-ordinate a date an time when I will be in Sydney.

1 hr session: $220

What is Reiki Healing?

Originating in Japan, Reiki is a form of alternative medicine for wellbeing. The name combines “rei”, which means "soul, spirit, divine," and “ki,” which means "vital energy, breath of life, consciousness."

In this beautifully relaxing and clarifying treatment, the Reiki healer transfers the Ki universal life force energy to your energy centres and body to encourage emotional and or physical healing. Reiki healers usually use their hands to help them focus the healing energy. Some Reiki healers are also able to focus the energy remotely, so that healing can occur over great distances. 

It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where stuck thoughts and feelings may be attached, allowing them to be released, often resulting in a feeling of lightness, clarity and peace. Because Reiki is guided by universe-consciousness, it always knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to create the effect that is appropriate for the client.


What Can Reiki help Treat?

Reiki is a simple, natural method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that can benefit everyone. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness, and is often used as a general boost to your wellbeing and to assist with your personal growth.

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through, and around, you. Reiki treats every aspect of your being, including your: body, emotions, mind and spirit. One way that it works is by unblocking and realigning meridians within the body that have been blocked due to mental or emotional causes. 

Reiki healing sessions may create many beneficial outcomes that include: relaxation and feelings of peace, greater emotional balance, increased energy, security, and helps you connect to your true self. 


Reiki healing is often used to help treat ailments associated with stress:

  • Inability to think clearly

  • Anxiety and tiredness

  • Insomnia

  • Grief and loss

  • Challenges with fertility

  • Physical aches and pains

  • Coping with VCE

  • Fear


Reiki may also be of assistance for the following conditions:

  • Arthritis

  • Migraine

  • Recovery from surgery

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other auto immune conditions

  • Pain relief

  • Trauma

  • There have also be reported many miraculous results.



How I became a Reiki Healer

I was drawn to become Reiki healer because of a profound healing that I experienced when I had my first Reiki healing session. I was suffering deep depression and anxiety, as a result of the severe trauma that life had dealt me. I was self-medicating to ease my pain, and I was in such a dark place that I did not think I could ever return from.  A friend strongly encouraged me to have a session with a Reiki healer, and although I knew nothing about Reiki healing energy, I decided that I had nothing left to lose, so I gave it a go.

While not all Reiki sessions are as profound, that first Reiki session changed the course of my life. I could see the difference in how I felt before and after the session, and that gave me new hope and a new perspective on life. It set me on the path that led to rapidly healing myself, and also to becoming a Reiki healer and developing my own intuitive and energy healing abilities.

Along that path, I had an NDE (Near Death Experience) where I stood next to my body in spirit, and was gifted deeper knowledge and wisdom into the understanding of who we are, our life purpose and codes to healing.

I am so grateful for the wonderful healing transformation that has occurred in my life, and has lead me to become a Reiki Master and teacher. I love sharing this gift of healing, and to helping others on their journey of healing, transformation and self-empowerment, so they can live life to its fullest potential.

"Nev helped to remove a cloak that I didn’t even realize I had been wearing and for the first time in a long time I felt I could be me without fear or inhibitions. I left feeling truly and effortlessly myself – joyful, peaceful and free. In the weeks following, I felt my heart continue to expand and it was so much easier to quieten my mind and access my true self. My love for myself, Mother Earth and humankind continues to grow in this space of freedom. Thank you Nev, for facilitating this expansion into a place of love, clarity and freedom. I am eternally grateful."

Sophie – Melbourne, Victoria

To book a Melbourne Reiki Session or  a Remote Distance Reiki Session via Zoom, please click the [Book Now] buttons to select a date and time and pay online. For Sydney Reiki Sessions, please use the Contact Us form so we can co-ordinate a date an time when I will be in Sydney.

Standard Reiki Session
1 hr session: $187

Reiki Plus Coaching Session
1 hr session: $220

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