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Intuitive & Integrative Healing Session

Integrative Healing Session Melbourne, Sydney

1hr Session: $220

I see clients for Intuitive and Integrative Healing sessions in Melbourne, Sydney, and online via Zoom. Please use the [Book Now] button to book Melbourne Healing Sessions or a Remote Distance Integrative Healing Session via Zoom. For sessions in Sydney, please use the Contact Us form so we can co-ordinate a date an time when I will be in Sydney.

Integrative healing is a high vibrational energy technique that promotes healing in the body of issues that stem from spiritual, mental or emotional causes. Integrative healing is also capable of creating a radical shift of consciousness.

In my integrative healing sessions I use a variety of healing modalities, including:

  • Reiki. A powerful energy healing using Ki (life force) energy. 

  • Healing Code. A form of ‘white light’ healing from Source, Light or God.

  • Sound Healing. Using voice and other instruments.

  • Biofield Tuning.  A form of sound healing that uses special tuning forks.

  • PSYCH-K®.  A powerful, mixed modality for quickly and easily changing outdated limiting subconscious beliefs, that may be sabotaging your health and wellbeing.

  • Visceral and Cranial Sacral Therapies. I use my deep understanding of the interconnectedness of the tissue, fluid and the systems of the body to enhance my ability to heal.


I also draw on:

  • the knowledge and codes I received from my NDE (near death experience)

  • my own life experiences

  • the experience I have gained from assisting hundreds of clients around the world to heal and transform

Integrative Healing is a very bespoke, “next level” form of holistic energetic healing that is personalised to your needs. I work on the mind, body, soul, or mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects, leaving you feeling more centred, grounded and aligned, with greater focus and enhanced sense of wellbeing. These changes become reflected (observable) in all aspects of your life, and your interactions in all of your environments, but most of all with family and loved ones. You begin to move more in flow and in greater harmony with yourself and your environment. At this point you begin to create the life you want and deserve, instead of the one you’ve been lead to believe.

What happens during an Integrative Healing Session?

In an Integrative healing session I dive deeper into the hidden traumas and the suppressed information that is often unseen—or that you thought you had moved through—from past experiences and events that have not yet had the opportunity to be expressed and released.

These life traumas sit within our body and the fields of energy (the biofields) which exist in and around the body, keeping us trapped and unable to move forward.

When these fields of information are held within in our body in an incoherent pattern, or in disharmony, they can lead to disease within in the body. This disease can be physical in the form of cancer or severe anxiety, or mental in the form of depression and constant negative thoughts, as well as in many other forms.

I draw on my psychic healing  gifts as a medical intuitive to sense, feel, and hear what is causing blockages in your body and mind, to then release them, and restore harmony to your body and life. Some of these may present as etherical cords and attachment from past relationships or past lives.

During integrative healing sessions I keep you informed of what I am hearing, sensing, and feeling. I relay what is coming through to me, and I am very specific on the age of the events and traumas, as required.

I then begin to create a map of life with you, through deeper understanding and awareness of your environments and relationships. Most importantly, the environment of the mind and the self, because when we have a map, we are able to navigate life with much more ease and understanding.

Then there’s the tools to navigate. These are essential because we need to go and do a thing called 'human'. This is life, and stuff is going to come up, so having the tools to navigate assists us in maintaining and supporting all the work we have done.

This is a next level form of healing, so powerful that you will begin to feel an immediate transformation within yourself and your being.

Who is an Integrative Healing Session For?

Nev's clients are very diverse, including:

  • those going through cancer treatments, 

  • those who are looking to find themselves, 

  • those who are awakening and wanting to go deeper into this expansion, 

  • those who are on path of self-healing from depression and anxiety, 

  • those who are wanting to enhance their life experience. 

Healer to the healers 

Many of Nev’s clients are themselves energetic healers, psychic healers, holistic healers, reiki healers, etc. who need something a little extra to assist in clearing energies and rebalancing and realigning their own systems. That is why many know Nev as the "healer to the healers". The reason they come to him is because he is one of the best at what he does, and gets the results required, that which he does is often referred to as AMAZING and Transformational.

Please use the [Book Now] button to book an Integrative Healing Session in Melbourne or a Remote Distance Integrative Healing Session via Zoom. For sessions in Sydney, please use the Contact Us form so we can co-ordinate a date an time when I will be in Sydney.

1hr Session: $220

"…Reflecting on the last year since meeting Nev - ahhh my soul breathes a deep sigh of peace! I know myself so much better as I peel off the layers of patterned sadness & hurt. My happy soul, my bounce, my health, my ability to enjoy life, to see the magic and to feel connected to myself and Mother Earth. This is pure joy! Thanks Nev…"

Nicole Herrmann – Melbourne, Victoria


"Nev helped to remove a cloak that I didn’t even realize I had been wearing and for the first time in a long time I felt I could be me without fear or inhibitions. I left feeling truly and effortlessly myself – joyful, peaceful and free. In the weeks following, I felt my heart continue to expand and it was so much easier to quieten my mind and access my true self. My love for myself, Mother Earth and humankind continues to grow in this space of freedom. Thank you Nev, for facilitating this expansion into a place of love, clarity and freedom. I am eternally grateful."

Sophie – Melbourne, Victoria

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